Weaver Transport

Fuel Oil Delivery Services:

We provide reliable delivery of home heating oil, seasonal kerosene, gasoline, and diesel (both on-road and off-road) to your home, business, or job site.

For commercial clients, we offer fuel storage tanks that can be installed at your job site or industrial location, ensuring a steady supply of fuel for your operations.

A minimum order of 100 gallons is required for home heating oil and kerosene deliveries.

The more you purchase, the more you save—we offer discounted rates for orders of 300 gallons or more!


Stop By Our Convenient Store Location

For smaller quantities of gasoline, seasonal kerosene, and on-road or off-road diesel visit our storefront location on the corner where OH-73 meets Dry Run Road.

Enjoy discounted pricing when you pay with cash!


Place Your Fuel Order Online!

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